Friday, June 6, 2008

FOBTY: Nerd test knew I'd fall fairly high on the nerd score but jeez. Gimme a break. I feel like I oughta whip out some pocket protectors! Here's mine :stare: :

I am nerdier than 83% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

Snort. Stupid nerd test. It doesn't know me! Hear that nerd test? You don't know me! Hmmmph.

Update: Ok, I admit, I got over curious. I went back for level 2. It confirmed exactly what the first did. How awful. I'm some humongo nerd. Oh well. I shall wear it proudly. From thence forward, I shall be: HIGH NERD! Your forever nerd friend! Or you could just still call me Ashley. Whatever. Most everyone calls me nerd anyway. says I'm a High Nerd.  What are you?  Click here!

Dude whatever. It's lying. Not my fault I'm supercool and fun and that test knew that and was like "Now's our chance to call Ashley a NERD and totally get away with it." And it did. And it has (gotten away with it) Only because I can't do anything. I'm gonna go pout at my nerdism now. At least for now my son doesn't think I'm a total nerd!

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