Thursday, June 12, 2008

I was back-browsing SSD's FOB2Y and found this and thought to myself, now there's a test that has my interest! So...I took it! I love the results! I think it fully captures me and the impression people tend to get of me. This is one of the first tests I didn't go...hmmm...hard to choose between one or the other. Every questions answer was just instantaneous for me. Loved the results. :)

You Are An INFP

The Idealist

You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.

Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.

It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.

But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.

In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards.

You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings.

At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values.

You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak

Friday, June 6, 2008

FOBTY: Nerd test knew I'd fall fairly high on the nerd score but jeez. Gimme a break. I feel like I oughta whip out some pocket protectors! Here's mine :stare: :

I am nerdier than 83% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

Snort. Stupid nerd test. It doesn't know me! Hear that nerd test? You don't know me! Hmmmph.

Update: Ok, I admit, I got over curious. I went back for level 2. It confirmed exactly what the first did. How awful. I'm some humongo nerd. Oh well. I shall wear it proudly. From thence forward, I shall be: HIGH NERD! Your forever nerd friend! Or you could just still call me Ashley. Whatever. Most everyone calls me nerd anyway. says I'm a High Nerd.  What are you?  Click here!

Dude whatever. It's lying. Not my fault I'm supercool and fun and that test knew that and was like "Now's our chance to call Ashley a NERD and totally get away with it." And it did. And it has (gotten away with it) Only because I can't do anything. I'm gonna go pout at my nerdism now. At least for now my son doesn't think I'm a total nerd!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 this isn't quite turning out to be...

the diary I had planned it to be. Oh well. Haven't had time lately. Mommy's day was fun. BBQ'd with the neighbors and Phoenix played a bit with "real toys". So far, he seems he'll be a Tonka fan! I gave him a Tonka truck and he enjoyed it and then took it away and replaced it with a football, (these being the neighbors toys) and he seemed forever distracted by the Tonka though. Can't believe that it won't be much longer and he'll be 6 months! Big boy! The neighbor just had a baby and I look at her and think to myself, my goodness, this darling boy of mine was once that tiny. Now he's a big ball of energy waiting to happen. I dread the day he learns to walk because there is no going back then! Already with his Army crawl he's getting pretty speedy! And oh can you say determined? Can't hold him down! He will let you hear it! Anywho, I guess right now would be a good place and time to post my first LO (For the non scrapeteers that happen upon this blog, this is shorthand for in scrap layout. Anywho. I'm thinkin of using my scrap materials mainly for "signature" making and the like over on CafeMom, gonna debut a group maybe. I really enjoy doing this stuff when I can get the time. We'll see what happens with that. If I do start up a group I'll have to be sure and post some of my favorites over here for your viewing pleasure (this is being spoken to my non-existent audience) (Who says I can't pretend right? Anywho, on with the layout, which by the way is already posted in the Sweet Shoppe gallery. Don't get me wrong, I'm not outright new to making things with Paint Shop Pro and not altogether new to the scrap concept itself, this is just my first real layout I suppose. Hard to explain. Oh well. Here it is.

(clicking on it will take you to the fuller version)

And the credits of course! I used a template from Armina whom you can find here

The background white paper was in Flerg's (Scrapbook Graphics) kit Fancy Pants which can be found at her shop here.

The rest of the papers in this layout are from Shawna Clingerman and Krista Cronin Barrow's kit Beep Chugga Zoom. The felt stars were from Robin Carlton and Melissa Bennet's kit Imagine That, the felt Yield sign was from Dani Mogstad's kit Road Trip and the white sparkles are Krista Cronin Barrow's shimmer dust. The awesome alpha which I can honestly say is a favorite of mine already, is Robin Carlton's dressed up dots. These things are sooo awesome and so incredibly versatile! The possibilities are endless. All of this stuff can be found at Sweet Shoppe Designs of course which is here! :) Oh right right and the font! It's Pea Aleesa. :)

Boy. That's a lot to credit for just a single layout huh? I like to blend my kits. Heh. And this is why it is necessary that I be such a kit piggy. I need as much as I can to make sure I have all that I need to create any layout that should cross my pretty little head. Oh and also so I can spend my other time browsing them and deciding how/when I'll make whatever I decide to make next. Honestly. This scrapping thing has taken over already!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

*Sigh* My first post on Blogger...

Took me long enough to get on here. I think this'll be a great outlet. Let out a rant or two here and there and a spot to post LO's when I can get the time. *sigh* Breathes in the smell of new blog. I'm gonna get this thing nice and worn in I just know it. Even if no one does ever read it. It'll be like...deaaarr diary.